Q: Why did you create the free keminaco service?
A: I used to work in the electroplating business and always found it very tedious to find the proper translations for the different phrases. That's why I created this service.

Nowadays I am working as a data engineer at a royalty collecting society, but still regularly update the underlying database as well as the website.

Q: Why is there no official website providing the same service?
A: I don't know.

Q: Why don't you offer an API for retrieving and searching phrases?
A: I'd love to, but the server I am using only provides CGI and the keminaco service does not make any money to pay for a better server.

Q: How do you make money with this website?
A: I don't.

Q: From where did you get all the phrases?
A: Please click here to see all the source documents used to build the database.

Q: Wasn't it extremely painful to extract all those phrases from the horribly formatted PDF documents?
A: No, it wasn't. It was pure joy and done with a mixture of AppleScript, Python and C#. Yes, my wife doesn't understand me either.

Q: I want to report a problem/missing phrase/wrong phrase. How can I contact you?
A: Please contact me via I am always happy to receive feedback and try to respond in a timely fashion.

Q: Could you kindly provide me with a full list of all phrases in all languages?
A: Please just select all phrase codes and languages on the home page and then download the phrases as an XML or XLS (Excel) file. Done.

Q: Could you please provide me with a full list of all phrases in all languages in an awkward legacy file format?
A: No. Unless you are willing to pay me for this personal service.

Q: Which kind of technologies does the keminaco service use?
A: The phrases are stored in a MySQL database.
The underlying CGI scripts are written in Python and rely on the following libraries:

  1. pyExcelerator - Generation of Excel files
  2. Mako - Hyperfast and lightweight templating for the Python platform